
Anna Catherine is the essence of Medicine and Magic. It's hard to even truly explain the healing container she creates and holds; it is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. The space she holds during our meetings allow me to spiral deeper into my own desires, dreams, programming, and energetic boundaries.  During our meetings I feel so authentically seen and her intuition always gently guides me deeper into my sovereignty and true essence. I also love how well versed she is in so many different studies because I always leave our meetings learning something new. After every meeting I feel alive, inspired, at peace, and feel like I am radiating Love. Truly my work with Anna Catherine and the flowers has led to the most profound and life altering healing and metamorphosis. And what's really interesting is it's not just me that has transformed either. It's also the people around me that have chosen to shift their vibrations and actions to match the dreams I have called in; which has been a very heart felt experience to receive such gifts. 

I can remember after the first three months that something powerful happened. As soon as Anna Catherine and I would we end our meetings I would feel a new energy flow through the door like a weaving spell of medicine and healing arriving from the flowers. And things in my life would literally start changing after we hung up our call. I started to realize that the flowers were already shifting my vibration just from having my meeting with Anna Catherine. They were already in the work and sending me their medicine ahead of time; before my personalized flower essence blend had even arrived. Anna Catherine has the ability to open up these beautiful portals connected to the flower realms that allow you to walk along side the flowers in other worldly way. And now I can actually feel the shift happen days and sometimes even a week before we meet. It has given me a whole new perspective on time and space and the miraculous healing of flower essences. 

Anna Catherine is beyond such a gift to both humanity and the flower realms. And I feel endlessly blessed and heart full of gratitude that I get to work with her and the flowers; weaving dreams into reality and literally creating new paradigms. She is a dear guide, a flower sister, and a true healer and I am forever grateful.”

Alexandria Sciarappa of Orange County, CA

“The words you speak become the house you live in.”

- Hafiz


Dearest Anna Catherine,

No words can fully describe the importance of your presence during a crucial time of the life I am breathing. I have expressed this before but truly, I am in deep, deep, deep gratitude for your guidance, support, and unconditional love.

I had long felt the gift of the Grace of Divine Spirit. But never have I ever deeply understood from the depth of my heart the all encompassing, everlasting grace God gifts and breathes into the world, to Mama Gaia and the universe. God is one and all, always existing before our naked eyes. God is always with us. We may not see God in an expected way, but when we shift our mind set, our perspective, we are able to to feel God’s presence.

I was a lost soul, seeking everywhere for the understanding of my existence and the purpose of my life. I sought, I sought, I sought; yet, I was only able to meet the Grace of Divine Spirit halfway. I felt fear, mistrust, and skeptical. But with your gifts, your guidance, support, and unconditional love, I deeply felt the presence of the Grace of Divine Spirit.

I feel that you are a bridge to the seen and unseen world.

Sacred space, listening and tuning in to what is present. Thank you for sharing and expressing yourself in the most authentic and vulnerable way. Thank you for your presence not merely in the physical realm but other realms and dimensions, too. Your presence and Soul are a gift to this world. From our first call, the consultation, my Higher Self/Soul felt the presence of the Grace of Divine Spirit being with you. Even thought I felt uncertain at times when I first started working with you, my inner intuition knew something my ego was not willing to see, hear, and feel at the time. The connection and resonance my heart felt, however, knew I must stay on the path I embarked upon. Through the works, guidance, and support you provided, the resonance and connection I felt were stronger than my fears, mistrust, and skepticism.

Through your work and my work, I was able to learn to break my heart open little by little. And as I continue my work, practicing sitting with my heart until the last drop of pain is shed, I continue to learn and understand how to break my heart open - learning forgiveness, loving-kindness, patience, compassion, and trust towards myself and others. And learning to find my way back home to my heart and the Grace of Divine Spirit.

Thank you dear SeaStar! I love you from the depth of my heart! Many blessings and radiant light!

ॐ मण पमेहूँ Aum Mani Padme Hum

With so much love and gratitude,

Jahn Clarisse M. Santa Fe, New Mexico


“Connecting with Anna Catherine as a healer and as a sister is truly such a gift. Through her many modes of remarkable healing modalities including leading sacred sister circles, flower essence therapy, crystal bed therapy, yoga asana as well as philosophy, and shamanic practices, Anna Catherine possesses a truly unique capacity to hold heart-space while simultaneously offering assistance and guidance to reclaim and affirm your very own sovereignty. She has encouraged me to seek and understand myself in my own Divinity. She has walked beside me on the path, and without either forcing or following, has intuitively helped guide me to build my own repertoire of self-healing and exploration practices. I am deeply grateful for her presence in my life, as a healer, teacher, sister, and friend.” 

Ashley Rogers of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico


“Working with Anna Catherine and flower essences completely transformed my life! Anna Catherine sparked a fire inside my soul and woke me up to my vision and my potential. Her compassionate guidance and support empowered me to take the necessary action in my life so that I could heal, while stepping into my purpose and owning my power. The power to take responsibility of my life and to be of service to others. Anna Catherine taught me to show up fully as my true Self and how to have my heart's desires met. I have so much gratitude for all the grace, wisdom, and beauty that she embodies. She weaves the connection of nature, the cosmos, the divine feminine, and Spirit into all her sessions. Anna Catherine is a remarkable healer, teacher, and dream weaver. She will hold you in a space of infinite love, while you do the work of healing. Because of her I know that anything is possible. She brought a giant sense of liberation into my life and there is no going back.”

Victoria Alexandria of San Dimas, CA


"Anna Catherine is the kindest soul to hold your wounds, sensing your needs and witnessing your shadow parts with loving eyes. Even if we speak different languages, Anna Catherine understood my vibes, so it felt like speaking soul to soul and I´ve felt understood and right just where I am. With her support and her wisdom about the flower spirits I was able to transform old beliefs, letting go of old grief and sorrow, and finally coming home to myself. I am more myself than ever before and I would always come back to Anna Catherine, if I wanted to work on more parts or seeking support and guidance. Anna Catherine is a blessing for the world"

Ana Shee, Germany


“I have been on the path of healing for many years now, experimenting with various modalities, many of which were extremely helpful. When I decided to try Flower Essence Therapy with Anna Catherine, however, I felt as though I had hit a roadblock on my journey and wanted to try something completely different. Many of the issues I struggled with felt old and sticky, like a black tar that had been blocking my energy flow and personal growth for ages. We decided together to address each of the seven chakras and their corresponding aspects of self. As we worked with each energetic center, my outer life miraculously mirrored my inner examination of my deepest wounds- issues of safety, boundaries in relationships, personal disempowerment, closed-heartedness, fear, feelings of inadequacy, creative blockages, etc.- many of which were spawned from childhood and even ancestral trauma that had been carried through my lineage for generations. The essences went to work vibrationally, recalibrating long-held belief systems about myself and the world around me. Certainly, the work was not easy, but it was deep and overall quite gentle. Most importantly, though, it was effective. With Anna Catherine's compassionate help, I felt fully supported to break free from my own self-imposed limitations. She has an uncanny ability to dissect the wounded psyche in a way that is purely non-judgemental- the perfect blend of skill and unconditional love. Today, I feel stronger and more capable than ever to navigate the world within and without.” 

Erin Fore of Santa Fe, New Mexico


“The first time that I met Anna Catherine I could feel the compassion in her gaze, the honesty in her words, and the joy in her heart. She has guided me and walked with me through many dark times. At times, I didn't think I would get through to see the light again. Anna Catherine never faltered in her guidance and support though. Her unwavering faith in believing in me and the strength that she lent to me was what I needed until I could find my own. Anna Catherine's integrity is high and she will never teach something unless it is something she has worked on herself. She will never ask me to do work she herself has not done. That is truly powerful.

 I have been on Flower Essences for 5 months now and the support they have given me has been a loving and gently coercion to continue my deeper healing and inner work. They are like a beloved sister that offers a world of opening up. With the intelligence of the Plant medicines and Anna Catherine's intuitive Flower Essence guidance I sit in AWE... of this unbelievable tool in my healing journey. 

 I also had the pleasure of attending the Spirit of the Rose Retreat in Taos, New Mexico in 2015. This retreat blew my Chakras wide open. Anna Catherine's guidance at the retreat was kind, yet strong and powerful for my healing. The Shamanic Journeys that Anna Catherine guided at the retreat have changed my life. Five days at this retreat does not seem long enough to heal years worth of trauma, negative though patterns, and destructive habits... But it did!!!

 If I had to funnel down all that Anna Catherine has taught me into one lesson it would be this: She has taught me unconditional love. First, she just offered it to me and she never once stopped giving it to me. Now, I feel it for myself." 

 Amber Weeks Halley of Edmond, OK


“ On a cold Saturday in January of 2012, a friend and I made a trek from Norman to Oklahoma City to try a hot yoga class.  From the first, I felt a positive shift in my energy.  Within a couple of classes, my emotional state was much more grounded.  After a month, I was able to feel and see notable changes in my body.  Needless to say I was hooked early on, and so began my yogi journey.  

Several months later, a change in my schedule led me to a Gentle Flow class taught by Anna Catherine.  That was when I learned to slow down, focus on technique, and align my posture in asana.  Anna Catherine taught me to use yoga as more than physical exercise or workout.  It was from this sweet wisdom that I learned to incorporate all aspects of yoga to benefit my mind, body, and spirit.  This was when yoga began to not only change my body, but it changed my life.  

 As my work with Anna Catherine intensified, my practice grew and my spirit was opened to new resources.  In addition to meditation and affirmation, I added Flower Essences to my life in the Summer of 2015, after realizing that I needed change in my life and felt it was time to discover and address what was keeping me from expanding and walking in the fullness that was within me.  Because of the mutual and sacred trust shared between Anna Catherine and myself, she was able to listen and develop an essence that would meet me where I was, help me tend to the emotional matters at hand, and propel me into the next level of greatness and fulfillment.  The essences are now a part of my life’s journey.  As I grow, develop, reconnect with the lost pieces of myself, these essences change with me and carry me to the next awakening.  

Yoga is much more than a form of exercise or a path to weight loss.  When fully understood and practiced effectively, it will change your body, it will enhance your mind, and it will more fully equip your spirit to live your life to the fullest as you find and embrace the power within you.”  

Carla Allen of Norman, OK

"You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” – Yogi Bhajan


“In February 2013 I began my journey with Yoga and Anna Catherine. After the New Year began my body was telling me I needed something different and I needed to make some changes. My knees weren't allowing me to do the strength training I had always done without letting me know they were not happy. My body was changing and I could feel it. This was another "Season of Life" for me and I could either be down about it or I could accept it and acknowledge it was time for a change, a positive change with new beginnings. Anna Catherine’s Yoga studio had just opened in Brookhaven Village, I went in to look at the place and pick up an itinerary of their classes. I had never done Yoga, was a little apprehensive but I called and spoke with Anna Catherine. I told her I had given it some thought and maybe I should start with privates with someone to learn the postures correctly so I didn't hurt myself in the process before attending any classes. She told me she would love to meet with me and at the time she only had one opening to take on another private. The rest is history! I have been with Anna Catherine 6 years now doing 2 privates a week since that day, and I do attend a few classes here and there. I have told Anna Catherine many times she is a "Divinely" appointed gift. I walked into her studio knowing nothing and 6 years later have learned so much. Yoga of course, but so much more. Yoga isn't just about the physical exercise, it's a form of whole body wellness, mind, body and spirit. This practice of Yoga has done so much for me on a personal level because it has led me to learn about other new experiences that Anna Catherine has helped me with as well. Living with "Intention", "Affirmations" that inspire, "Clarity" of mind, Nutrition, "Chakras" the energy systems in our bodies that we all have and how to care for them, "Flower Essences" is a way of working with plants holistically for healing, "Essential Oils" I have loved and of course "Meditation." One thing I'de like to emphasize is that Yoga is not a religion, it is all inclusive. I think my generation has a preconceived idea that Yoga is a religious type exercise that incorporates Buddhism or Hinduism. I myself am Christian, God is my Higher Power and who I pray to and guides me through my daily life. But that's what I love about Yoga, it's for anyone at any age! I found Yoga at the age of 57 and this summer I am turning 60 and happy to be doing so! That's one thing I have loved about Anna Catherine’s Studio! It's a place where we all come together with love and if you didn't come in with that intention you will definitely leave feeling that way. Thank-you Anna Catherine for coming into my life, for showing me new experiences and for sharing your love and your light with me.”


Terri Fowler of Norman, OK


“I’ve known Anna Catherine for many years in the capacity of a yoga instructor. Being in the yoga community myself, our paths had crossed several times and I had always been so drawn to her energy and her sweet, loving nature. I secretly admired her spiritual journey through social media and had no idea that one day she was going to help me get through so much heaviness that I was carrying around with me for so many years.

One day last fall, my heart called me to reach out for Anna Catherine for guidance. I was desperately craving a deeper connection to myself and Spirit and a greater understanding of things much bigger than my Self. Anna Catherine was so generous in sharing resources that could help me start my journey.  Things started to unfold for me and the more I learned, the more I understood that I had so much emotional baggage that I needed to confront and release.

It was then that Anna Catherine introduced me to flower essences. I had no idea how much these sweet, beautiful gifts from nature could change my life. I became so connected to them that I often refer to them as “my best friends”. They have completely opened me up and allowed the trauma and negative thought patterns to be released.  Over the course of six months, Anna Catherine worked with me to incorporate daily spiritual practices, mediations, mantras, flower essences and Crystal Bed Therapy into my healing journey.  She was there for me every step of the way. Even in the much darker times when I had a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I have so much gratitude for Anna Catherine and the unconditional love she has given me. I have been able to let go of so much emotional pain and suffering and can now allow myself to begin to step in the greatness of my own light. I am more confident and much more connected to my own inner wisdom and I couldn’t have done the work without Anna Catherine. My life is forever changed by her and I am proud to call her my teacher, guide, friend and sister. She is an extremely incredible Soul and I would recommend anyone who is interested in starting their healing journey or diving deeper into their Self to reach out to her for guidance. She is definitely an angel and holds a very special place in my heart.”

Lindsey Melott of Oklahoma City, OK


“After a tumultuous childhood, I had tried so many types of therapies and treatments that I was left feeling exhausted and empty. I didn't know what to expect with Flower Essence Therapy, however I knew I was ready to try a more holistic approach that might take me within to actually face my fears and anxiety rather than suppress them.  

What I didn't expect was to walk away from the experience a completely transformed person with the tools on how to navigate through my life with peace and strength. Every session, I would try to find the words to express my gratitude towards Anna Catherine and every time she would thank ME for showing up and doing the work.

Flower Essence Therapy was the most empowering experience of my life, I just had to show up for myself. I recommend Flower Essence Therapy to every single person on earth because at some level we all experience pain, whether in the present, future, or past.

At every session, Anna Catherine would listen, ask questions and never drop her gaze. She was so fully in the moment with me it made it easy to trust her and to genuinely feel her love and compassion. Not only did the flower essences begin to work their magic by releasing the layers of pain and resentment I had been unknowingly holding onto, but the tools and resources that Anna Catherine provided me with will undoubtedly last me a lifetime.

Months have gone by since I completed Flower Essence Therapy and my experience has already given me so many things I want to do to further empower my life. I plan on doing Flower Essence Therapy once a year with Anna Catherine because once you begin to reveal layers of yourself you realize there's more and more layers underneath that are just waiting for your attention and love. I would not trust the guidance of my healing and empowerment to anyone else in the world other than the loving and radiant Anna Catherine”.

Om shanti shanti shanti,

Mona Chamhidray of Fort Collins, CO
